However, with the possibility of the Salooners starting up again in the future looking pretty slim, I've found a nice silver lining: I officially used one (ONE!) baseball glove for my entire life. My parents got it for me in 1987. It survived tee ball, Parkboard, Bambino, Babe Ruth, got a nice break where its only action was random games of "baseball catch" (which consisted mostly of Russell and I "accidentally" throwing the ball into Nikki's yard across the street since she was suntanning semi-topless) then resumed regular duty with these last seven years of softball.
And my glove was still going strong the whole time; if there was a Gold Glove award for our softball league, I would've won it for first base, no question. Mother fuckin' J.T. Snow and shit.
Should I have referenced Keith Hernandez there? I feel like you guys would take it as a Seinfeld reference, not a "Keith Hernandez won 11 straight Gold Gloves back in the day" reference. Then again, how many of you know who J.T. Snow is? Maybe I over-analyze these things.
And sure, there was the one time in 2006 when I almost cost our team a win when a routine fly ball basically exploded a hole through my glove and allowed two runs to score....and the time in 2009 where (playing first base) I took a hard throw from shortstop, caught it in my palm, and my hand bruised all the way through so I had a lump on the back of my hand.....and the dozens of jokes at my expense about how I was still wearing a glove made for elementary schoolers from everyone on the team (even the girls ripped on me).....but what I'll mainly remember are the good times.
And Nikki suntanning.
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