“I was in shock … It was the most embarrassing, humiliating thing that has ever happened to me in my life,” said controversial celebrity Paris Hilton—recalling the moment she heard about the public release in 2004 of a sex tape between her and then-boyfriend Rick Salomon.
Paris and mom Kathy opened up and discussed the incident, among other issues, in a revealing interview on “Piers Morgan Tonight” which aired recently on CNN (log on to www.piersmorgantonight.com).
Notoriously known as a “celebutante”—the celebrity who rises to fame not based on talent or work but due to inherited wealth and controversial lifestyle—Paris leveled up and answered Morgan’s questions with candor.
Asked how she has survived the “fame game,” Paris said: “I’ve really grown a thick skin over the years. And I’ve had so many things said about me. And it’s hard, but I feel like, what else could happen at this point? Everything bad that can happen to a person has happened to me.”
In the interview Paris singled out singing as one of her talents, being in the midst of recording a new album.
But when Piers pursued the topic, Paris was nonchalant: “It’s just part of my brand. I see myself as a businesswoman and a brand. And singing is just something that adds to my brand.”
A sought-after endorser of various product lines, 17 at last count, Paris went on to promote her new TV show, “The World According To Paris.”
Hearing Paris say that she was “very” interested in world affairs, Piers pressed on: “When you see what’s going on in the Middle East and stuff like that, do you have a healthy interest or does that kind of stuff not really touch your life?
Paris answered: “Well, I have so much going on in my life. But yes, I do pay attention to what’s going on in the world. But I also focus a lot on my business.”
Media itself bothers her, Paris said, pointing out that there are people “who I’ve never met before, or maybe people from my past who want to sell stories and make money, so they’ll make up these crazy stories and people believe them.”
When asked to admit whether she really makes $10 million a year, or even more than that, Paris tersely replied: “Yes.”
Piers: “This is Cy Weiss. You’ve been with him a couple years?”
Paris: “Over a year now.”
Piers: “Is this true love?”
Paris: “I’ve never been happier. He makes me feel so safe. He’s so loyal. He’s my best friend. He’s an incredible man. So I feel lucky.”
Dared to speak up if she’d like to be taken more seriously, Paris said, “I would. Definitely.”
Piers continued: “Why would it be important to you, given your brand, I’m sure you’d admit this, has built around being a ditzy blonde? Why would you care about being taken seriously?”
Paris: “Because I feel like I’ve really grown in the past couple of years, I just turned 30, I’m an adult, and I feel that I deserve it.
Turning to Paris’ mom, Piers asked: “Do you worry about her?”
Kathy admitted: “I used to, but I really don’t as much anymore. I’m a lot calmer now.
Piers: “Because she’s behaving better?”
Kathy: “She’s behaving better and she’s grown up and she’s been through a lot.”
Piers, trying to humor Paris, asked if she’s aware that one becomes an adult at 18, not 30.
She curtly said, “Yes.”
Her mom interjected: “But she’s still like a little girl. And that, I think, is one of the very attractive sweet qualities that she has.”
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