Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's A Dunk-Off

This is the hardest I have laughed at a youtube video in at least three days (I laugh a lot at youtube videos, three days is actually pretty decent. And also, the last three days have been pretty much laughter-free, so this helps. Goddamn VCU.) It was to the point where I had to forward this video to my boss, because there's no other way I could pass off how hard I was just laughing in my office. There's no covering that up with a cough.

My question is: did people do this regularly? Beer pong slam dunks? I've been to my fair share of parties, played my fair share of beer pong (graduating from the #2 binge drinking school in the country, per capita....stupid Texas-San Antonio always beat us) and I've never attempted this myself, seen this attempted, or heard about it being attempted until this video. I feel like we missed out a little bit. I see it playing out like this: we set it up and somebody like Haley (who has little regard for bodily injury) or Smapes (who just wants everyone to accept her) dunks one, to great laughter and applause....then half an hour later Russell tries to one-up it and makes a huge mess and breaks somebody's leg or spills on some girl's dress that has been in the family for 300 years or something, and everyone yells "Goddammit, Russell!" Because that's just how Russell's luck works.

Also: that guy in the skateboard (at the beginning and again at 30 seconds) just GETS AFTER IT. Is there anything better than a slow motion flight leading into a fast motion crash? I say no.

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