Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ouch, Ouch, You're On My Hair

I got my world rocked a couple nights ago.

My roommate and I were watching TV, on opposite couches, when my feet, dangling over the edge of my couch, grazed her head. She exclaimed "Ouch, ouch, you're on my hair!" I told her to calm down, I barely touched you, what are you talking about. She informed me that it was from Wedding Crashers, right after Vince Vaughn drops the "Just the tip, just for a second, just to see how it feels" line. And she was very adamant about it.

Immediately, my eyes lit up, and I knew a bet was upcoming. Allow myself to brag about....myself for a minute. I NEVER get these kind of trivial, I-don't-even-know-why-I'm-betting, nobody-really-cares-but-you type of bets wrong. I'm probably at about 97% for my life. (Not that this was a bet, per se, but the whole Billy Enforsee fiasco is one clear exception.) Most of my friends won't even bet me on this kind of stuff anymore, since I'm right so often. I've only lived with Jillian a couple months, and she has already lost a bunch of these movie trivia bets with me, enough so that even though she was 100% positive on this one, she was absolutely terrified because of how sure I was of myself. I was already calculating what I wanted to win after this was settled. A night of (heavy) drinking paid for? My laundry done for a month? A nice seafood dinner and I'll never call her again?

So we went to the tape, and I'll be goddamned if right after the just the tip line, ol' Vince Vaughn doesn't add in "or ouch, ouch, you're on my hair." My mind was officially blown. As Jillian erupted in celebration and I struggled to pick my jaw up off the floor, I reasoned that the only possible way I had NEVER, EVER heard that line was because I was always too busy LOL'ing (laughing out loud) at the "just the tip" part.

The joke is gonna be on her, though, because as her reward for winning, she requested that I cook her dinner. And yes, she is fully aware of my almost legendary kitchen impotence, so why she thinks I can cook her ANYTHING is beyond me. If she thinks she is getting anything besides a plate of different flavored hot pockets, arranged neatly on a serving platter, with perhaps a smattering of Cheez-its as garnish....she is sorely mistaken.

So I received a little lesson in humility; I guess I'm not ALWAYS right. (A lesson that I will surely never learn from. The next time a random trivia bet comes up, I'm still gonna be just as cocky and annoying as I always am. That's how I roll, son.)

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