Thursday, December 30, 2010

Favorite Songs of 2010

Mine's gonna be a little different. I don't listen to the radio and rarely search for under-the-radar music, so I'm not very up-to-date on things. If it wasn't for Schneweis and a couple of other people, I'd be even worse. So my favorite song list of 2010 isn't going to be of songs that came out this year, but songs that I heard for the first time this year. Don't expect to find a whole lot of hidden gems in this list.

Listed in order of when I first heard them, starting with January:

Eminence Front- The Who. After Keith Moon overdosed, the number of great songs The Who released could probably be counted on one hand. This one would be the middle finger, assuming the first two you counted were 'Who Are You' and 'You Better You Bet.' Which obviously they would have been.

Peacebone- Animal Collective. I've never been a huge pot smoker. Dabbled, but never sat in a smoke-filled dorm room and tried to sync up Pink Floyd and The Wizard of Oz or anything. Ipso facto, I'm not a huge expert on what bands are amazing to listen to while you're high as shit. But still....Animal Collective would be amazing to listen to while you're high as shit.

Bang Pop- Free Energy. As mentioned before, I rarely discover new music on my own. So when I loved this song upon my first listen early this year, then later this summer heard it on the radio, I was pumped up (as Gangel can attest to, he was there.) I can't remember the last time I correctly predicted a hit single before it was released. I'm sure MC Hammer was involved though.

It's Only Me (The Wizard of MagicLand)- Barenaked Ladies. In NHL 2002 for PS2, they play little clips of songs while your team is warming up before the game. You can skip through it at any time, but not before about 3 seconds goes by. That 3-second stretch was enough for me to be intrigued enough about this song to google the lyrics, find the song, download it and enjoy it....but yet I always still skip it when I'm about to play a game.

Warm Heart of Africa- The Very Best. Takes home the award for song I've listened to the most in 2010. Although The Very Best opened for Vampire Weekend in Kansas City a couple months ago, and they were terrrrrrible. They reminded me of the Red Stripe commercial...."Red Stripe Beer, Red Stripe Light Beer, Red Stripe Beer, Red Stripe Light Beer."

Ragoo- Kings of Leon. I'm a little bit late to the Kings of Leon party. Is the keg dry? The cops haven't been called yet, have they? Where should I put my jacket?

That's the Joint- Funky Four + One. One of my favorite random genres of music is the hip-hop/dance of the early 1980's. Seven-to-ten minutes long, not a curse word to be found, extended dance beats in between verses, one section devoted entirely to introducing every member of the group to the listener-- all awesome. One of my favorite playlists to rock while road-tripping or summer boozing. (Also, the only link I could find for this song is only like 2 minutes long and crappy quality, but it confirmed even more how much I love that style of music. I would so fit in as an early 1980's black guy in an ensemble like that. At least until the cocaine era really took off.)

Pastime Paradise- Stevie Wonder. I am a huge Stevie Wonder fan, and I also pride myself in knowing which songs or artists are being sampled in rap songs. Yet I had NO clue that Coolio's 'Gangsta Paradise' was stolen from this song until this year. Color me embarrassed.

Just Breathe- Pearl Jam. Emotions everywhere in this song. Floors. Ceiling. Walls. Emotions.

Stand- Blues Traveler. Probably falls into the category of "How the hell didn't I hear this song until 2010?" It's a tragedyyyyyyy! (see what I did there?)

The Frug- Rilo Kiley. Jenny Lewis has one of those voices (not to mention one of those pairs of boobies) that makes me fall completely and totally in love with the lead singer, and it's on display in this song. Other examples: Alicia Keys, Vanessa Carlton, Neko Case, Steve Perry.

Tighten Up- The Black Keys. One of the only songs on this list that was actually released in 2010. And I only heard it because they were constantly playing a clip of it in between episodes during a gigantic marathon of The Hills. Say what you will about Lauren Conrad and Spencer and Heidi and the gang, but there are few things I enjoy more on lazy hungover Sundays than a good ol' fashioned Hills marathon.

Change- Blind Melon. I thought these guys were supposed to be one-hit wonders? Or maybe this was a hit too and I just don't remember it? I think I like this song more than 'No Rain.'

Friend of the Devil- The Grateful Dead. Every once in a while I think to myself, "Hey. I've never really tried to be a fan of ______, I bet I'd really like them though." So I'll totally immerse myself in that band for a few days, just listening to song after song after song. I did that with the Grateful Dead a few months ago, and it didn't work out so well. But I do love this song.

Jump!- John Jorgenson Bluegrass Band. I've talked about this song already. It's still lodged in my brain pretty well; nothing can lift me out of a bad mood quicker than this little ditty. So controversial, too. There is a pretty heavy divide amongst my friends on whether or not this song is any good. Probably my overall favorite of 2010.

Happy Early New Year.....let's keep it real while keepin' it safe tomorrow night.

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