Saturday, March 14, 2009

Losing My Mind

Let's set the scene a little bit: I'm staying late at work today, and I'm the only one left in the office. I have the window right next to my desk open a bit, and there's been this little rabbit outside my window, rustling around in the leaves and making noise and generally just pissing me off ALL DAY.

So since no one is around, and I'm about at my snapping point with this mother effing rabbit, I lean out my window and start making noises that can best be described as "Angry Cat"- meowing in an aggressive manner and hissing and whatnot. I continued doing this for about 5 seconds, until Peter Cottontail finally got the message and scurried away. It was only then that I realized what, exactly, I was doing.

There are so many things wrong with a 26-year-old leaning out a window and making angry cat noises to scare off an annoying rabbit (sober, and at his job, no less) that I'm not going to dive into it any further. Chalk it up to tax season, I guess...

...or maybe chalk it up to the lady who called me three times within two minutes at 7:30 this morning, and realized she had the wrong number ONLY after I called her back after call #3. Listen to the voice on the outgoing voicemail message instead of repeatedly hanging up and calling back again, you dumb B. What are you, 12?


And yes, I realize the irony in mocking someone else for acting like a 12-year-old when exactly one paragraph earlier I did something that even a 12-year-old would think is lame....but I literally just realized that irony now, so fuck it.

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