Thursday, March 5, 2009


Thanks to everyone who has chipped in so far with a music recommendation, it is very much appreciated. (Note: if you think of more in the future, you can still comment with them- I get an email every time a comment comes in, so your recommendations won't be lost in the shuffle, even if it is months from now.)

There were lots and lots that I had never heard, and some that I was already very aware of (Rob: The Clash is probably my second favorite band of all-time, after Led Zeppelin; and Weisser: I would pay an obscene amount of money for a CD with the 12 o'clock song on it- especially if it had the extended dance mix and the bonus track "Cool Discs- Creed Version" on it.) I hope that Limewire has been drinking plenty of Gatorade and stretching properly, because it's about to get a ferocious workout.

Also thanks to those of you (and there were multiple people, so I'm not singling out one person) who texted your recommendations to me, because apparently you're too cool for blogs. I know, I know, it's one thing to read them, but once you officially leave a comment, you reach a whole 'nother level of nerdery, and it's a slippery slope after that.

Guess what- you think you're too cool for school- but I've got a news flash for you, Walter aren't.

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