Monday, March 16, 2009

Just Another Example...

...of how I'm an asshole when I'm blacked out. Sunday Funday had a little too much Funday and not quite enough Sunday to it.

Me: Excuse me ma'am, I just picked out like 20 songs on the jukebox and it stopped playing after only 4.

Bartender: Well, it'll do that if you picked the same song over and over again. Is that what you just did?

Me: Whaaaaaat? That's crazy talk!

Bartender, inspecting jukebox: Yep, it looks like you picked song #9409 twelve times.

Me: Well, you can't say that Shake Your Body Down to the Ground isn't an awesome song.

Bartender: Don't pick it that many times in a row anymore.

Me: So if I pick a different song, and then go back to the other song again, it'll work, right?

Bartender, deadpan, very unhappy with me: Yes.

Me, oblivious: Sweet. Thanks. ~pushes 9409 in the jukebox again~

Soooo yeah that was my night last night. I'll post March Madness thoughts another day (I'm sure all the girls reading this are breathless with anticipation) because right now I'm in the clutches of a crippling hangover, and the rest of my lunch break will be spent cramming ungodly amounts of Chipotle into my mouth and hopefully taking a little Costanza.

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