Tuesday, August 5, 2008

OKAY now i know that this doesn't have much to do with the modeling industry but it does have to do with FASHION so i have to post about this because i LOOOVE this new trend. okay SO ive been seeing all these beautiful over done eyelashes every where and i just think that they are so pretty. There are a couple of different places where you can order these from. MAC of coarse makes wonderful false eyelashes and they are humbley priced for MAC but i think that what im looking for is something a little more over the top! So then I found this website and it's called Shu uemura and they offer some of the most Outrageously Beautiful Lashes that i could find...but they range from $20 to $60 . So i have to say thats just a little out of my price range for something so temporary. I was started to lose hope until ...! MY DIVA'S ClOSET came along and i have to say its exactly what i was looking for. This website offers a wide Variety of Amazing False lashes for only $10! Now thats something that i can affored. Ah Satisfaction

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