Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Keep The Change, Ya Filthy Animal

A list of three things, brought to you by Buzz McCallister (the jerk older brother) from Home Alone:

A) A very special tip of the cap goes to Lane, who last weekend at The Outhouse accomplished his life-long goal of being the announcer for the strippers as they come onstage, proving to all of us that sometimes dreams really do come true. Kudos to you.

2) Unfortunately, I was unable to attend T. Nels and Kristen's wedding last weekend (congrats kids!) But I was informed that the first song of the wedding dance was none other than Celebration by Kool & the Gang. See Rule #2 from the Wedding Dance Manifesto. I'm speaking the truth here, people.

D) Some things crack me up. After I wrote about ogling the women's gymnastics team, the comment section was dominated by females, even though, as far as I know, the vast majority of the people who read this are guys. The noticeable absence of dudes in the comment section was due to many of them deciding to tell me what they thought via text, rather than put their intimate thoughts on the world wide web for all to see. Which is understandable, after reading what they had to say. Here are the topics of those texties, to varying degrees of inappropriateness:

-Things they would do to Shawn Johnson
-Things they would sacrifice for the opportunity to do things to Shawn Johnson
-What percentage of the U.S. gymnastics team they would like to bang
-If one was to fly to Beijing, and hook up with a minor on foreign soil, would it still be statutory?

You stay classy, San Diego.

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