Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Gonna Lay This Groove So You Can Move On The Funk

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Mitchell Report

"Psycho T" Tyler Hansbrough. Can't you just hear him roid-raging on his photographer? "Make sure you get the fucking basketball in this shot! I'm holding it up with one hand, bro! Can you do that? Probably not, you loser! I'm going to North Carolina! I'm gonna be a Division I athlete and it doesn't even matter that I got cut from the debate team and cried at Prom this year! Don't fuck this up, you only take senior pictures once! Make sure you get the black-and-white shot, my cheekbones look totally sweet in black-and-white!!!"

Darth Vader. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....a dark lord of the Sith made the groundbreaking discovery that The Force flows within you a lot more powerfully when you're taking HGH.

The creepy-ass girl from The Ring. I don't know about you, but I don't know any other 13 year old girls who can shoot a free-throw without grunting like Maria Sharapova, much less climb out of a goddamn well in under 4 seconds.

A.C. Slater. Look at him lift that fucking barstool like it's nothing! They don't just hand out wrestling scholarships to Iowa for free, son.

Tecmo Bo Jackson. Have you ever had a 99-yard touchdown run, carrying 4 defenders on your back, spending the first 7 minutes running in circles and backwards, then deciding to score? Me neither.

Sunday, December 16, 2007
You Down With OPB?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Top 5. Volume 4.

3. Shawn Michaels

2. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage
Ohhhh yeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!! If you are between the ages of 21 and 35, there is only one tone of voice it is possible to hear that in. Macho Man was one of the craziest fuckers ever, epitomized by his elbow smash from the top rope. FYI: when checking into a hotel room with multiple beds, the first thing I do upon entering the room is a flying elbow smash from one bed to the other. At age 25. Too much information? Maybe. Continuing on. Macho Man was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, interviewer in wrestling, combining his craziness, voice, and unintelligibility into magic. Along with Hulk Hogan, Macho Man revolutionized wrestling in the 80's. The Mega Powers (Savage and Hogan) was probably the best tag team in wrestling history, until Hogan allegedly slept with Miss Elizabeth and her and Savage got divorced (in real life.) Speaking of Miss Elizabeth, how awesome was the storyline of Macho Man slapping her around after matches as the crowd freaked out? Only in professional wrestling could domestic abuse be cool.
1. Diesel
Monday, December 10, 2007
See You In A Couple Yearz

See You In A Couple Yearz

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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Friday, December 7, 2007
From The Archives

And as long as we're putting up ridiculous pictures, did you ever have a friend who you thought would grow up and be a child abductor?

Yep, me too. I mean, someone get Chris Hansen on the phone. I've got his next episode of "To Catch a Predator" right here.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Just To Be The Next To Be With You

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Burning Questions
When Dick Vitale is making his prediction for national champ, does he have a coin labeled "Duke" and "North Carolina" that he flips, or does he stop and think about every other team in the country before eventually settling on one of those two?

'Cuz inside out....is wiggida wiggida wiggida WACK!!!
This is for people with uni-sex names. I ask Alex this all the time, so I'll use her as an example: if she met a dude also named Alex, and they hit it off crazy right away, and he was hands-down the greatest guy she ever met, would she start dating him since they had the same name? Would it be an automatic deal-breaker? How life-alteringly awesome would this guy or girl have to be to want to date them, factoring in the name situation? Has anyone heard of any couple like this?
When Adam Sandler has all his buddies act in all his movies (for example, the guy who plays his caddy in Happy Gilmore, a gay guy in Big Daddy, the lame girl-chaser who dresses like Michael Jackson in Wedding Singer, etc. etc.) how much does that buddy get paid? Enough so that he doesn't have to have another job? Does he ever run low on money, start getting nervous, and call Sandler up and say "Hey, dude, you workin' on another flick yet? I only got about three weeks' worth of pot left, man."
Who comes up with names of carpet samples? Our office is in the process of getting new carpet, so I took the opportunity to flip through the sample book, and, frankly, it opened my eyes to a whole new world of douchebaggery. Here are some actual names of carpet patterns:
Chain Letter
Blind Date
Crazy Like a Fox
Darwin's Theory (my personal favorite)
Tremble With Fear
Wedding Vows
Crazy In Love
What?!? Let's get serious.
When (if) you were following the Maryland basketball team that won the 2002 National Championship, did you ever, EVER, think that the best pro on that team 5 years later would be Steve Blake?
What would happen if society changed the traffic rules so that cars always had the right-of-way instead of pedestrians? Walking in a busy downtown area would turn into an episode of American Gladiators.
The signs that people make at sporting events where they take the initials of the TV network and spell out something stupid....what is the shelf life on those things? I know they're not funny or clever now, and I doubt they were in 1972.
Lance Armstrong....are you serious? You, my friend, are currently dating a girl that was a star on a very popular TV show from the mid-90's that also featured the likes of Bob Saget and Dave Coulier. Not a real big deal, I guess, as long as that girl is Aunt Becky. The problem, however, lies with the fact that on this TV show, your girlfriend played a fucking TODDLER. Now I understand you have to have a cover so people will ignore the fact that you and McConaughey are always shirtless together, but still.....are you serious?

McConaughey: "Hey, bro, whaddya listening to right now?"
Armstrong: "Fuckin' Maroon 5, dude. Who else?"
McConaughey: "Me too! Damn, we have so much in common!"
Armstrong: "No doubts, no doubts. We're just a couple of regular dudes who love to go jogging while rocking out to Maroon 5. Wanna watch some Real World after our run, or what?"
McConaughey: "Sounds awesome, BroStrong! Hear that, I just called you BroStrong, kinda like LiveStrong, but I changed it up a little bit."
Armstrong: "Totally sweet, dude. Totally."
McConaughey: "Hey, did you ever get around to asking Ashley about what Mary Kate thinks about me? I mean, she would go for a regular dude like me, right?"
At the beginning of Michael Jackson's song Black Or White, and that kid is rocking out to some song and his dad is yelling at him to turn it down, is that a real song he's listening to? It sounds kinda sweet. I always wanna be like "No, Dad, this is the best part, I'm gonna listen to it, OK?" right along with him. And while we're here, I heard the rumor that it is Macaulay Culkin doing that part. No way, but it does sound a LOT like Smalls from The Sandlot. Anyone know?
Was Doug Funnie the biggest main character loser in TV history? I guess I stopped watching Doug when I started noticing members of the opposite sex, and discovering hair in places where there was no hair before, but as far as I know, I don't think he ever came close to ever getting a piece from Patty Mayonnaise. Just tell her you're obsessed with her!!! Girls love that. Plus, his fantasy superhero self wore his underwear outside his pants and a belt on his head. That's brutal.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Shimmy Shimmy Ya Shimmy Yam Shimmy Yay

I don't have the league records in front of me or anything, but I believe we were the first team to ever win the title with a roster consisting of seven small forwards. For all you former GF Renegades of Funk members, notice Danny and I sporting the old unis. Additionally, Kirk Hinrich is not as good in real life as you would think.
Other random kibbles and bits:
Thanksgiving was awesome. Definitely a weird feeling to be a visitor in the Forks, but I got to enjoy fantastic home cooked meals, partake in celebratory World Series shots with T. Nels a month late, see basically every single person I wanted to, and only a couple of the people I could've done without. That's an interesting dynamic of the Thanksgiving and Christmas break bar scenes, isn't it? People you pretty much only talked to when you had to work on your Beowulf book report together, and now all of sudden they want to buy you a jag bomb and talk about what you've been up to for the last six years?
I am officially done with McDonald's. Forever. I hadn't enjoyed any plain dubby cheeseburgers and fries since I moved down here, and to be honest, I hadn't thought of it much. Alex and I picked some up in Sioux City on the drive home, and it was garbage. To the point that I wonder how I ate it so much before. So goodbye, Mickey D's. It was a good run. But don't get too excited, arteries. I'm not going to be eating healthier or anything. The longest I've gone without Sonic the last three and a half months is 9 days.
A disclaimer for the next paragraph: it will be filled with semi-obscure golf references and pointless discussion about a bar video game played by dudes like myself who aren't drunk enough to dance yet. Continue if you wish, ladies and non-golfers.
I may be hanging up the clubs for Golden Tee. My meltdown is almost complete. I am, at this moment, worse than I was the very first time I felt the smooth roll of the tracker ball under my left hand (no homo.) Back in the day, I was a bit streaky; always a threat to set a course record, but almost equally a threat to fall apart on the 17th hole. Call me Greg Norman. Then, when I moved down here, I initially struggled, as my new swing coach Jud and I retooled my putting style in hopes of being better in the long run. Call me Tiger Woods, circa 1998. Then for a few weeks, I was back and better than ever. Call me Tiger Woods, circa 2000. Now, inexplicably, it is gone. All of it. It's like I've never played before. Call me Ian Baker-Finch. Just send me to the announcer's tower overlooking the 18th. I'm gonna give it one last shot, and if it doesn't improve drastically, my career may be over.
I'll be the first to admit it's lame to pimp facebook here, but I can't put links in this space for whatever reason, so we're all gonna have to deal with it. Anyways, for those who can, go to my facebook page and watch the video that Annie put on my wall. It involves Barney the purple dinosaur and a prominent rap song. You won't be disappointed.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Home-made turkey, cheese, and pepperoni sandwiches.
The "Waaasssuuupppp!!!" Budweiser commercials. It's been like 9 years, can we bring that back yet?
Par 5's reachable in 2.

Monday, November 19, 2007
Pass The Turkey, Please
"I picked up a 23-pound turkey from the store last night, so there should be enough dark meat for you AND other people."
This precaution stems from Thanksgiving 2001, during which my goal (which I accomplished, by the way, a-thank you) was to eat all the dark meat from the entire turkey by myself.
Thanks, Mom. Gotcha. Loud and clear. I'm fat.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Rock Chalk
I can't complain about another top 5 preseason ranking, though. Though they mean nothing (as KU loves to prove, reprove, and prove again) it's always better to at least be in the mix for a title. I mean, I could be a Northern Iowa fan, and boy would that suck. I think there is a big gap between the top 3 and KU though, at least until Brandon Rush comes back. Memphis, UCLA, and Carolina are absolutely LOADED, and in most other years, each would be the hands-down #1 team.
Losing Julian hurts, but a lot of that hurt was from the unexpectedness of him declaring. I think that Rush is much more important to KU's title chances, as we have Darrell Arthur ready to come in and get big minutes, provided he can stay out of foul trouble. Look out for freshman Cole Aldrich too, he'll be special. The backcourt of Russell Robinson, Mario Chalmers and Sherron Collins is the best defensive backcourt in America. If RussRob and Collins improved their outside shooting as much as the buzz indicates they did, look out. Through two games it looks like it.
Collins and my Facebook friend Brady Morningstar. What's that? Oh, yeah, I'm friends with a KU player on Facebook. No big deal. Maybe I'll drop him a line right now, see what's goin' on. Maybe he wants to go shoot around or something.
Rush's injury (and now Collins' too) helps the team depth quite a bit. Rodrick Stewart will get huge minutes now, and Jeremy Case will get some more too. This helps the "Please don't go in and shit your pants" feeling that I get sometimes when Case plays important minutes. So expect some bumps and bruises early on, but in the long run these injuries will pay off (provided Rush and Collins come back full strength.)
Darnell Jackson, who as a freshman looked woefully out of place on a basketball court, might be my favorite player on this year's team. I feel very comfortable when he is involved in things, and that might be the biggest compliment I can pay to a college basketball player. And lastly, Sasha Kaun. Oh, Sasha. One night he looks like a lottery pick, and the next night he looks like a seven-foot tall Jewish kid who came straight from his barmitzvah, and is dribbling a basketball for the first time in his 14 years on this earth. Although I should mention that his new Schne-fro automatically bumps my confidence in him up to about a 5.And so now we see if I am able to hold it together this year. I have been living and dying with this team since I was 8 years old. In '91, after the championship game loss, I cried my eyes out. In '97, I tore up every magazine featuring KU that I been saving over the years. In '02, I skipped the next day of class and stayed in bed until 9 pm. In '03, I didn't talk or interact with a single person for 48 hours. In '05, I drank myself stupid and slept on a bridge in downtown Indianapolis. In '06 I walked back to my hotel and packed instead of enjoying my last few hours in Vegas. Vegas!!! And now I live here. Where was my life caddy to talk me out of that club selection?
Will this be the year they win it all? Will this be the year they lose in the Elite 8 and I go on a multi-state killing spree, change my name to Remus Kofax, sell all my possessions and go live downtown holding up Armageddon signs to passing cars? Stay tuned. I believe it was Screech Powers who said, "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Or somebody.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
This Is Just A Tribute
Chelsey is the fortunate by-product of one of St. Aubyn's ill-fated romances from a few years ago. As annoying as that relationship was (which I made pretty clear to St. Aubyn on numerous occasions at the time) we definitely can't argue with the friendships that were made as a result. I actually met Chelsey during freshman year at the Wilkerson dining center, but it was one-time thing through other people, and she doesn't even remember it. I do cause I'm creepy like that.
Chelsey's tolerance-nay, encouragement of our shenanigans is what forever endeared her to us. Another necessary skill for being friends with us that she possesses is being able to take shit. When you're walking into the lion's den known as Culligan Manor, you've gotta be able to strap on the mental hard hat and be ready to get made fun of. A lot. Chels is able to handle such hardships with a perma-smile on her face. This probably isn't that difficult for her as she is among the happiest people I know. A day when she is crabby is a dark day indeed.
After she moved to Minneapolis, our friendship didn't suffer; instead, we just took our act on the road. There she introduced us to Rocko, which we don't hold against her. Kidding Rocko. Some of my proudest moments happened while visiting Chels in the Cities. Especially the night when we went dancing and tried to get everyone to jump on different floor tiles during Billie Jean, (a la the video when they light up when Michael Jackson steps on them) then I got booted out for repeatedly turning my hat backwards. My response was to projectile vomit all over the parking lot. Good stuff. While living there, she was also my token "I've got a 6 am flight leaving out of Minneapolis, can I crash on your couch and have you take me to the airport?" person. So, definite bonus points there.
Then she got married in the summer of 2006 (giving us the best wedding of the year in the process) and moved to Chicago. We visited her and Mike there last summer and had a wonderful time. We will be back, especially since Kos now resides there, and soon Katie Z will too.
Now she started a blog and that brings us to the present day. Ladies and gentleman, Chelsey Rambow-Headrick!!!

Sweeney, me, Deuce, Chelsey and St. Aubyn at Chelsey and Mike's wedding. The night the "Thumb-diddley" was born. Little inside, I know.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
From 1 To 30

2. New Orleans Hornets- Found myself strangely cheering for them last year, then they drafted my boy Julian.
3. Boston Celtics- Pierce, Jesus, KG, Big Baby.
4. Chicago Bulls- Hinrich. Would be higher, but they drafted Noah, plus there is residue from the mid-90's left over in my brain that makes it impossible to really love the Chicago Bulls.
5. Phoenix Suns- Love their style of play. Rivalry with Lakers gives them the nudge to top 5.
6. Golden State Warriors- " " " ". " " " Mavericks " " " " top 6.
7. Portland Trail Blazers- Next year: Oden, Roy, Aldridge, Fill in the blank top 5 pick. Holy shit.
8. Houston Rockets- Yeah, I'm surprised they're this high too.
9. Toronto Raptors- Fun to watch.
10. Seattle SuperSonics- Move to Oklahoma City already. Better yet, K.C.
11. Denver Nuggets- Time bomb of a team. Carmelo keeps them from being higher.
12. Milwaukee Bucks- We used to mercilessly rip on Charlie Villanueva. He was guaranteed captain of the All-Ugly Team every year. Then we found out he has a disease. Now I kind of like him. Is that bad?

13. Miami Heat- Shaq.
14. Orlando Magic- This ranking is sure to drop once Redick starts getting real minutes. Nice mohawk, J.J.
15. Washington Wizards- Once Arenas leaves, they will go down to bottom 5.
16. Atlanta Hawks- I officially have no feelings either way from here through #20.
17. Memphis Grizzlies
18. L.A. Clippers
19. Sacramento Kings
20. Philadelphia 76ers
21. Minnesota Timberwolves- Look at your roster. How do you cut Wayne Simien?
22. Cleveland Cavaliers- Booorrriinnggg. Wake me up if Lebron is doing something amazing.
23. Indiana Pacers- Pretty sure I can only name like 5 players on their whole team. O'Neal, Granger, Tinsely, Dunleavy, Murphy....yep. 5. Foster? Maybe 6.
24. Detroit Pistons- Let someone else make the Eastern Conference finals. Geez.
25. Utah Jazz- Carlos Boozer, plus they ended Golden State's run last year.
26. Dallas Mavericks- Babies. Only Jason Terry keeps them from being lower.
27. Charlotte Bobcats- Way too many Tar Heels on this team.
28. San Antonio Spurs- Manu Ginobli: You suck. Go play soccer.

Give him a yellow card or something.
29. New Jersey Nets- Any team that has Vince Carter is guaranteed bottom 5. As a bonus, when we were bullshitting with the Suns after a game in Fargo back in high school, the only player who big-leagued us was Jason Kidd.
30. L.A. Lakers- In the days of Van Exel and Shaq, they were my #2. Thanks, Kobe. Sorry, Danny.Wednesday, October 31, 2007
You Never Blink, Do You?
Recently, ADawg became the latest man to come to the belief that it is a solid idea to ask for a woman's hand in marriage. We now have an unprecedented 5 dudes in our immediate friend group who all got engaged in the last 5 months: ADawg, St. Aubyn, Ike, Noles, and T. Nels. Ridiculous. This means that A) Vegas is going to be a complete shit show next May, and B) I better win a bunch of money on said Vegas trip, cause I'm gonna be buying an assload of toasters, knife sets, and Belgian waffle makers. Now I'm not a betting man, but if you happen to be scoring at home, here is the updated odds sheet for Next To Get Engaged:
Z Unit.....................6.5-1
And as soon as Fundy fulfills his destiny as The Next (I say by January), I will be collecting the $150 Never Get Engaged Fund that St. Aubyn, Fundy, and I put together in 2003. I've earned it.
If you haven't heard the news yet, Robert Goulet passed away. Now I would be lying if I said that I was a fan of Goulet himself, but I do believe that this is one of the 5 or 10 best SNL skits of my lifetime.
Enjoy it. Dah dah deeee dahhh dah doo doooo. Goulet.
Monday, October 29, 2007

Since most everyone else is comparing this year's run to 2004, I suppose I can throw in my two cents' worth. The best comparison I can make between the two championships, from a fan's perspective, is that it's like having sex. It's less stressful the second time around, and you can appreciate the ride a lot more, but there's just something about your first time. It's magical, just like the 2004 championship was. I'll never forget how awesome that couple week stretch was. Ducking out of a wedding dance about 42 different times to watch the end of Game 3 of the Angel series, having to be convinced by my buddies not to shut off the TV during the 9th inning of Game 4 of the Yankee series, living and dying with every single pitch during Games 5-7, and then feeling a sense of calm while they were dismantling the Cardinals. All these memories added together to make October 2004 one of the best of my life.
This championship was different. I was still on edge, obviously more so when the Sox were down 3-1 to Cleveland, but I have never felt such confidence in one of my teams as I did with this one. I haven't seen a baseball team put together a better seven-game stretch than the Sox just did. There wasn't as much of a fear of failure as much as there was an anticipation of success. This is a new and pleasant feeling for me while watching sports, as I am about as pessimistic as they come. As I was after the 2004 season, I am a little depressed that the year is over, and I don't get to watch these guys play for 5 months. With the exception of Eric Gagne, I enjoy every player on this roster.
In a related story, last New Years' Eve in Vegas I wandered into the sports book at 9 am after 12 hours of drinking and a 2 hour nap and put down $10 on the Sox to win this year's title. Now I'm no mathmetician or anything, but at 8-1 odds, that should put me somewhere in the $600-700 range. Word up.
Monday, October 22, 2007
World Series Bound!
I set a new personal record Saturday night when I received 67 Game 6-related texties. People were coming out of the woodwork to either talk shit or congratulate me (did anyone else know that Mike Haley was a Cleveland fan? Me neither) and as a result, I had to be Johnny Hot Buttons all night. So thanks to everyone who participated. At the risk of tooting my own horn, I texted T. Nels at 7:26 p.m. CST:
''My prediction for Schilling: 7 innings 6 hits 2 runs''
Schilling's actual line: 7 innings 6 hits 2 runs. Toot toot.
Now I know that the 2004 run was pretty much the greatest event in my life since the Rebel Alliance blew up the second Death Star, but this year is a very close second. Just a really enjoyable group of guys. If the Indians were a 9 on the "How scared am I of this team?" scale, and the Angles were a -4, then the Rockies are a 6. Which is also how many games I think it will take for the Sox to wrap up another title.
Friday, October 19, 2007
All Sox'd Out Yet? Then Don't Read This

This picture was taken after he just got done striking out the side.
But anything can happen in a Game 7. Just gotta get there. Go Sox.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Arrowhead Section 135, Row 14, Seat 6
Afterwards we immediately headed over to the Outhouse for some Sunday afternoon action. Just kidding. In addition to the game being exciting, the Chiefs covered the spread ($$$) yet T.J. Houshmanzadeh managed to put up a big game for me (fantasy points.) All in all, a great sports weekend. Except, of course, for Eric Gagne's Game 2 shenanigans. He continues to lead the league for 2007 in Most Times Ruining Jim's Night. He now owns a commanding 5-2 lead over "Combining allergy medicine with drinking to excess."
Friday, October 12, 2007
Gettin' Housed At The Outhouse

Cast of characters, from left: Russell, St. Aubyn, Danny, Katie "let's call Jim in the 9th inning of a Sox playoff game" Zidon, Alex, myself, and Bergman. Last weekend some of the boys from back in G.F. came down for a couple days; probably the last time we'll be reunited until May, unfortunately. But we made the most of it.
Friday night we started at Johnny's Tavern, where we watched the Yankees lose, Dice-K get knocked around, and some toolshed play SexyBack on the jukebox, then dance in front of the big-screen TV until Bergman shouted, "Hey, J.T., sit the fuck down, we're watching the game!" This guy was sitting at a table with a dude sporting both a Red Sox shirt and an Angel hat. Just to give you an idea about these guys.
We went to Louise's West next, where I was doing a magnificent job of shooting double digits under par in Golden Tee while still watching the Sox come back and tie the game up. My highwire act was a success until the aforementioned call from Katie in OKC, announcing she was coming up the next day. I turn back around to see Danny and Alex jumping around trying to get my attention and pointing at the screen, and then see Manny circling the bases. Fuck.
Now we're all pretty well in the bag, and there's really only place Bergman, Russell, St. Aubyn, and I can go from here: a BYOB strip club called the Outhouse. Until Lane (heavily) recommended this place, I had no idea these things even existed. We grab a 30 pack of Miller Lite at a gas station and head out. Thoughts, quotes, and mini-stories from the club that will severely decrease whatever respect you might have had for me and my friends:
1. If there's a better feeling than strolling into a strip club with a block heater of Miller Lite on your shoulder, plopping it down on a table, tearing it open, leaning back and drinking like you're at a picnic, well, then...I haven't felt it.
2. Any guy who has been to a club knows that a girl will sit on your lap, looking for some dolla dolla bills, but once it is evident you will not be purchasing a dance from her this evening, bam. She's gone. But somehow, this one girl, "Ginger," has been sitting on St. Aubyn's lap for over an hour, with 0 dollars coming out of his pocket. When she finally leaves, we ask St. Aubyn what the hell he told her to stay, and he pulls out this little beauty: "I told her that my girlfriend just died 3 weeks ago, and what I was really looking for was just a little company, and I couldn't imagine a more beautiful girl to talk to than her." Clutch. The kicker: He managed to steal a $20 dollar bill from her G-string while she sat there. Are you kidding? He punched his ticket to Hell that night.
3. Bergman comes to the table talking to a stripper, and this exchange takes place:
Bergman, pointing to me: This is my friend Jim.
Me: What are you doing? Don't tell her my real name, you dipshit.
Bergman: Oh! Uhhh, this is my friend Charlie Conway.
Me: Jesus, man. I told you, never use Charlie Conway. Girls know that one. (to the girl): You know who Charlie Conway is, don't you? Fuckin' Dawson's Creek and shit.
Bergman: Don't worry about it. Strippers don't watch the Mighty Ducks.
Stripper, listening the whole time with a blank look on her face: Are you guys gonna buy a dance, or what's the deal?
And so on and so forth. I almost got the heave-ho because my phone had been blowing up since the Sox game, and I kept on forgetting that I wasn't allowed to answer it or read texties. Apparently my justification to the bouncer of "But Manny hit a walkoff!! It's the ALDS!" was juuust good enough to keep me in the ballgame.
Our gas station trip was also an adventure, but the only really retellable story is where some high school girls were bugging St. Aubyn to buy them beer. At first he played along with it, but once it became evident that they wanted him to not only buy it, but PAY for it too, he then told them that he was a cop. They left tracks leaving the parking lot.
To be honest, it's now almost a week later and some of the other stories from last weekend are either hazy or really, really inappropriate, so I'm gonna leave it at that. If this was a PowerPoint presentation, the main bullet that you should make a note of is: If there is happens to be a BYOB strip club within a 100 mile radius of your place of residence, you should go to it.

It's a good thing we went to strip club later that night to re-establish our heterosexuality, because this picture is almost painfully gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Manny Being Manny. Playoff Edition.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Fuzzy Math
+ 5 Skinny Pirates
+ 3 mystery shots from a guy with a hairlip
+ 12 games of video Beanbags
+ 1 near bench-clearing brawl between Dunph and the hairlip guy
+ 1 contest "Throwing Christina's phone around the bar trying to shatter it"
+ 33 mile drive back to Lawrence from K.C.
= 1 Hungover Jim Hammen
+ 1 Sonic chili cheese wrap
+ 44 ounces of Strawberry Limeade
= 0 Hungover Jim Hammens
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Drivers, Start Your Engines!!!
Brenda and Bob the Cop- a friendly couple who like to talk shit; Bob the Cop bears a striking resemblance to Jeff Garcia...
Here is a rough breakdown of our day:

I don't care what stories those kids from the Sandlot tell, the Beast is OK with me.
2 pm: We return to the Winnebago to drink, eat, and watch the race/football/golf on TV. We're beginning to crash a little bit.
4 pm: A gigantic rainstorm hits, and we watch from inside the warm confines of the Winnebago while everyone sprints back to their respective campsites, completely drenched. This includes Danny, Tina, Brenda, and Bob the Cop.
Lane and I spend the next hour cooking hot dogs and brats, and making up fake announcements to all the stragglers returning from the track that "the dryers are on the track, clear skies are heading this way, the race is restarting in 40 minutes!" This is not going over so well with the diehards that want nothing more than that to be true. An hour later, however, as about 1/5th of the crowd is leaving the grounds, this joke becomes reality, and Lane and I soon begin peddling our hot dogs to people in exchange for their ticket stubs, so we could get in. We are only successful with two people. Two! Who wouldn't trade a shitty, wet, worthless ticket stub for a juicy, delicious hot dog?
6 pm: Everything dies down and the rain delay is over, and we decide to see if we can just get in for free. And lo and behold....
We end up sitting together, all 8 of us, in ridiculously good seats. If Future Jim would've sent me a message last week saying "At 6:30 pm next Sunday you will be in the 20th row at the Kansas City Speedway watching NASCAR" I would've told him he was crazy. Then I would've told him to find Biff Tannen and steal his book that holds the results of every sporting event for the next 50 years.
So the entire day was a great success. Beer was consumed, laughs were shared, engines were started, and horizons were expanded. I won't be actively following the chase for the Nextel Cup or anything, but I do have a newfound respect for the sport of auto racing. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go back to nursing this hangover like I'm Florence Nightingale.