Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lester, Lodrick, Laughter

I've watched baseball pretty religiously for about 19 years, and the no-hitter that Jon Lester threw last night was the first one I've ever seen start-to-finish, so I'm pretty excited. I had no idea he hadn't given up a hit until like the 5th, I didn't even think he had been pitching all that great up until that point. So congrats to Mr. Lester, few pitchers in baseball deserve a no-hitter more than he does.

From the weekend:

We got rowdy at various bars on Friday night, finishing the night at Brother's (holl-er! do it Lane.) There we saw the Stewart twins, Lodrick and Rodrick. For those who are unaware, Lodrick played for USC, and Rodrick was the guy for KU that tore up his knee during an ill-advised dunk attempt during a Final 4 practice this year. I spent the rest of the evening unsuccessfully trying to convince Alex to dance with Rodrick, which would surely lead to sexual intercourse; and eventually, me getting to raise a KU player's baby. Anyway, we left shortly before last call, but I wish we would've stayed, because apparently there was a little bar-fight after close, and Lodrick got arrested for knocking some kid out. Yep, just another Friday night at Brother's. Holl-er!

St. Aubyn and Jenna ran in a mini-marathon on Saturday (5k? 10k? I have no idea what those numbers mean; when someone tells me that they're in a 10k I just smile and nod appreciatively.) Anyway, Noles was in attendance to support his loving fiancee, and we were making some jokes at St. Aubyn's expense (which makes perfect sense, since he's out there getting in shape, and my lazy ass is sitting by the pool drinking PBR) and it led to the Texty of the Week, from Noles:

St. Aubyn collapsed after crossing the finish line and they had to euthanize him

Eight Belles jokes: stillllll funny.

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