Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Things are a liiiittle b-u-s-y these days. Between working 50ish hours a week, golfing, moving, and watching Jonathan Papelbon give up multiple 9th-inning home runs to the Yankees (the new sports den came real close to getting a hole kicked in the wall last night) I currently don't have the time to post any original thoughts at this juncture. In the words of the immortal Harrison Ford: "I already work around the clock!!!"

However, I do have three videos from the world wide web to help you kill some time; that's what we're here for anyway.

1. I found this while I was on my fantastic voyage of Saved by the Bell clips last week. The video isn't the best quality; we've been making homoerotic jokes about Zack and Slater since we were old enough to know what 'homoerotic' meant; and Brokeback Mountain jokes were completely beaten into the ground by mid-2007 (I think there was even a Senate Committee hearing that officially delcared Brokeback jokes old news)....and yet, I still giggled quite a bit at this clip. I'm simple like that.

2. I'm bringing this one to you on behalf of Gangel, who was kind enough to share this with me on Facebook. I was able to hold it together until the Godfather one-liners, then continually laughed harder and harder until it was finished. Hank Azaria, comedy genius. (Also, it's a superb four-way battle between Gangel, Schne, DVJS, and Kos to see who can put the funniest videos on my Facebook page. Frankly, we're all winners for them trying. What was the world like before youtube? I'm glad I don't remember.)

3. Do you like Where's Waldo? Do you like tongue-in-cheek documentaries? Do you like Hermoine from the Harry Potter movies stripteasing to songs from the old Jock Jams CDs? You'll find two of those three things in this clip.

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