The latest youtube video that makes me giggle in an uncontrollable fashion: Rack 'Em Willie.
The first couple times we watched this video at the golf course, not a whole lot happened besides some laughing. Slowly but surely, however, this video kept seeping into our brains, and now the entire pro shop constantly speaks in Rack 'Em Willie's language. And of course, if you know me at all, you know it didn't stop there; it soon carried into my home life.
So now, in an ironic-yet-completely-predictable twist, I spend most of my day muttering "Rack 'em, rack, rack 'em, rack, rack, rackball"......but instead of being able to file that under 'quoting a hilarious youtube video'.....I just sound like the very crackhead that the video is making fun of. It has very quickly and very seriously become a debilitating problem for me.
It's a tough life when you're so easily influenced by youtube. RACKBALL!
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