Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Damn Punk Kids, Updated

OK so that kid making fun of me for being old is all in the past. Yesterday, in a scene that would have been touching if it wasn't so hilarious, he asked another co-worker, with a straight face:

"What's it like to wake up in the morning with a girl?"

The facial expression he made immediately after asking the question reminded me of Paul from back in the day, when he would start saying something, and before he even finished the sentence, he knew it was a mistake, and knew he was about to get made fun of for the rest of the lunch hour (and in some cases, well into the next decade.)

His second mistake was that there happened to be a lot of us in the vicinity when he asked it. So it's been non-stop ball-busting since then. Here's a sampling of some of our responses:

"It's awesome....until she rolls over and tells you that at $50 an hour, you now owe her $350. Cash."

"Well, you'd have to ask your mom how she felt about it, but personally I felt it was great..."

"I'm waiting to wake up in the morning with a girl until I'm married..."

"I wouldn't know, the only time I've woken up with a girl is when I've passed out in the VIP room at a strip club." get the point. So basically, all the boom roasted points this kid had scored with his Top Gun zinger are now gone. Completely.

Stupid youngsters don't know anything about women. Poor little guys.

Being old is awesome.

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