Monday, February 16, 2009

Linkorama-Rama Day

Not to be confused with Diorama-Rama Day, my second favorite school event, after Hearing Test Thursday. (If you can name that quote, holler at your boy when you see him in the street.)

I know that 98% of the time nobody clicks on the links, and you know what? That's fine, I do not take offense. Most of the time, it's more for my benefit than yours anyway, so I don't have to search through youtube to find my favorite time killers.

However. I would recommend watching at least some of the following links, they are good for quite a few chuckles, and even some LOLs ranging from moderate to intense. Of all the crap that people waste their time putting together on the interwebs looking for laughs (I agree Mr. Pot, that kettle DOES look pretty black) some of my favorites are when they splice together scenes from a movie, and make a fake trailer to make that movie look completely different (i.e. Home Alone looks like a horror flick, The Matrix looks like a romantic comedy, Pretty Woman looks like it's NOT a complete waste of two hours.)

For the record, my favorites are Dumb & Dumber and The Shining, so I'm putting them first. Other than that, there's no order to them. Oh and by the way, these are all safe for work-- although I hate using that expression, I've never understood it. Safe for work how? Like there's no swearing or nudity? That makes it safe for work? Like your boss is gonna come strolling up behind you, see you playing on youtube instead of working, but somehow be happy about it because it's not Two Girls, One Cup? I fail to understand the whole 'safe for work' concept.


Dumb and Dumber

The Shining

Top Gun

Sleepless in Seattle

When Harry Met Sally

The Shawshank Redemption

The Ring

Office Space

Wedding Crashers

War of the Worlds

The Lion King


The Notebook

Old School

Home Alone

My Girl

50 First Dates

Lord of the Rings

Big Lebowski

The Matrix


The Office

***Viewer's warning: I would highly recommend NOT watching all of these clips in one sitting. I spent an entire lunch break (excluding the amount of time it took me to demolish a couple of hot pockets) watching all these clips, plus some others that weren't very good, one after the other, and it had two effects on me:

1. At some point, I realized my mouth was watering, and I was SERIOUSLY craving movie theater popcorn, and it struck me that it was because I was watching movie preview after movie preview after movie preview. If that doesn't tell me that I have serious-ass popcorn problems, then I don't know what does. It was like Pavlov's dogs, only for fat kids.

2. After watching so many fake movie previews, by the end of the hour, I didn't even know what was what anymore in the world of cinema. Up was down, black was white, good was evil, funny was creepy. It messed with my head. Now, every time I watch When Harry Met Sally (What? Saturday night is always Meg Ryan movie night, I've been doing it since I took a homeless lady to go see You've Got Mail, and then she gave me my first handjob in the parking's tradition now, don't judge me) I won't be able to appreciate the blossoming of a wonderful relationship, I'm just gonna be screaming at the TV the whole time: "Get away from him Sally, don't give him your fake orgasm spiel! Billy Crystal is dangerous, he's a fucking stalker! Shit!"

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