Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cotton-Headed Ninny Muggins

The Question of the Day is inspired by Paul and his strangely captivating, potentially marriage-ending project entitled "24 Days of Elf." He is on Day #9, and according to him

"Elf is going fantastic! I'm not sick of it at all! Today I saw a baby in the airport and I asked his mom what his name was and she said 'Francisco' and I was like 'Francisco...that's fun to say...Franciscoooo!' and she smiled and I was trying not to laugh in her face the whole time! What are the odds? OK bye I love you."***

***according to the voicemail message left on my phone this morning

So, the Question of the Day: if you were being forced to watch the same movie, every single day, for 24 days in a row (put yourself in Mandy's shoes here, but be careful- they're pretty small) what movie would you choose?

I have a little bit of experience here. It wasn't 24 days in a row, but I know Paul and I watched Anchorman about 15-20 times in a single week back in October 2004....yet ANOTHER reason why that is probably my favorite month of my entire life.

Also, in the summer after 6th grade, my brother, the Bergman brothers and I watched Dumb & Dumber an obscene, OBSCENE amount of times. Figure there's roughly 90 days in summer....we easily watched it 60 times. If not more.

{Side tangent: one day in 7th grade we were in Mr. B's social studies class, copying notes off the overhead and bullshitting. At this point I had seen Dumb & Dumber upwards of 75 times, and I was running my mouth, claiming that I could recite the whole movie, word for word (things like this impressed girls back then.....I hope.) So Mr. B, ballbuster that he is, tells me to prove it in front of the whole class. Without hesitation, I launch right into "Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the medical school? I'm supposed to be giving a lecture and my driver's a bit lost...."

25 minutes later, with class winding down and me still reciting lines for the class while simultaneously taking notes about South American volcanoes or llamas or something, Mr. B finally admits defeat by telling me to shut up, and as my 'reward' the student teacher had to take my notes for me the next day in class. And this is, without a doubt, one of the proudest accomplishments of my entire life.}

{Side tangent to the side tangent: how awesome of a teacher was Mr. B? Probably top 3 of my childhood. I had him in 7th grade, then he moved up to 8th grade the next year, so I had him again, and by the time I was a senior in high school, he was teaching 12th grade econ, so I had him AGAIN. He was one of those teachers that would pretend to get mad at you when you pulled shenanigans, but secretly he enjoyed them. Like when Ike, Jake, and I decided to be Mortal Kombat characters, and refused to answer to our real names anymore, and even started signing our papers 'Sub Zero, Rayden, and Johnny Cage'.....he secretly enjoyed that. Oh and by the way, that was a 12th grade stunt, not a 7th grade stunt like you might think. Yep, 17-18 years old when we thought that was funny . Awww, sad.}

So back to the task at hand, if anyone still remembers it. Movie you could watch 24 days in a row if someone made you. Go.

At first I was going to choose a comedy, but decided against it, as I didn't want to risk ruining any movies that I really love (which I'm concerned Paul is doing right now to himself.) I tried to find a delicate balance between a movie that is very re-watchable, but not good enough to make me care if I hate it when the 24 days are up.

After a couple minutes deliberation, the choice became clear: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Every time I watch it, I only hear half the lines anyway because we're too busy ripping on it. So even though, in a roundabout way I like watching it- and more importantly, can watch it a bunch of times in a row without shattering the special features disc and slitting my wrists with the broken shards- I realize that it's a pretty bad movie, and thus don't care about potentially burning myself out on it.

As long as I can fast forward through the podrace.

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