I've never needed much sleep to function, so even in high school when I would get to school at 7 AM (what the hell were we doing there that early? Breakfast bagels were not that fucking tasty. I digress.) it wasn't a problem. Then in college I for sure wasn't going to bed early, although St. Aubyn wasn't real pumped when I would refuse to shut the light off in Walsh 202A before midnight, taunting him by telling him he was a pussy for quitting on the day if he went to bed before it was technically done. Eventually he rigged up a bunch of old sheets around his bottom bunk so that he was surrounded in darkness and could actually fall asleep when he wanted. (Note: before everyone that doesn't know our freshman year stories starts jumping to the conclusion that I was a shitty roommate, just be patient. Someday I'll tell some of St. Aubyn's freshman year stories and you will realize that I am the victim here.)
At some point I realized the streak, and immediately that sealed the deal for me. This is the exact kind of stupid shit that keeps me entertained. There weren't many, but I remember a couple of instances over the last few years when I wanted to go to sleep early, but didn't because what would Cal Ripken say to me? I feel he'd be pretty disappointed.
Now since I have a big kids' job, and once again I have to wake up every day somewhat early, I am more tired than I ever have been. I can count at least 10 instances since September where I was DYING to go to sleep early, but haven't done it yet, for no other reason than this stupid fucking streak that nobody (repeat: nobody) cares about. Now I've hit the 11-year mark, and I'm wondering if I should just end this thing. Even Ripken finally took a day off, but he was batting like .225 at the time, and I don't feel like I've sunk to that life equivalent yet.
Here's my other concern: once I decide to go to sleep early once, I'm afraid it will slowly snowball, my body will start adjusting, and pretty soon I'll be going to bed at like 10 pm every night, and I do not want that. I like my free time.
So I'm looking for outside opinions. Is it time to just go to sleep when I feel like it, or do I keep pressing on like an idiot? I'm thinking since tax season is done, I'll be more well-rested, and I can go until at least next February with little or no problems. I feel like if nothing else, I should get to stroll around Camden Yards high-fiving people while I receive a 47-minute standing ovation. Thoughts?

"Awww what's the matter, you're a little sleepy tonight? Tough day at work? No time for a nap? I played through like a million ankle sprains and hamstring pulls, even a broken bone or two, you little pussy. Plus I missed out on a lot of the really good performance-enhancing drugs, so I had to recover from my injuries for real, not like that bag of shit Canseco. Do you know how tough it is to play in 2,632 games in a row? And you're worried about going to bed?!? Jesus, just drink a Mountain Dew or throw in some Girls Gone Wild or something."
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