Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Say Hello To My Little Friends

JonJon and I have a running email game, simply called "Why I Love Youtube." And we don't throw that term around loosely. We save it for the most ridiculously awesome youtube clips we find- so every time I receive an email from him and see that in the subject line, I buckle up, because I know it's gonna be good. I stumbled across this video last night, and right after making it my latest entry in the "Why I Love Youtube" library...I realized it's better than that. It needs to be seen by more than just JonJon.

First, the clip.

Things that are awesome about this video:

- The kid playing Tony Montana's accent (surprisingly good, probably because he really is Cuban) and his scar (pretty decent, that school's drama department must have a sizable budget.) I would have called it a four-star performance, except he totally butchered the "Say hello to my little friend!" line. Maybe next time, when his school performs The Godfather: Part II or Heat.

- The gratuitous use of "Mother fudger" and other curse word substitutes. (Best ones: when the Michelle Pfeiffer character stands up and screams "You son of a B!" and when Tony Montana grabs his gun and yells "OK Sosa, you wanna fudge with me? Then you fudge with the best!")

- The huge pile of popcorn on Tony's desk, representing cocaine. If that comparison was realistic, then that would make me the biggest cokehead on the planet.

- The plastic toy guns with sound effects.

- The "security cameras", i.e. dry erase board, showing the rebels laying siege on his house. Combined with the stuffed tiger sitting on the floor, it's surprisingly good attention to detail for a kindergarten re-enactment. Did they hire Brian de Palma as a consultant?

- The character of Tony Montana's sister comes in for just one line: "Fudge you, Tony!" And then she gets shot. Classic.

- When I saw this for the first time last night, it only had 192 views. It is officially blowing up today. It's exciting to get in on the ground floor of something, even if it's only youtube. I feel like by writing this, I'm selling stock in a dotcom in 1998 or something.

- After watching this, I'll never be able to watch Scarface the same way again. Is this real? Did some school REALLY do this? What was their next choice, Eyes Wide Shut? Goodfellas? Showgirls? Hostel? On what level is this appropriate? Do I need to be worried about my future kids doing this kind of stuff in school? What the shit?

My mind is officially boggled. This really is why I love youtube.

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