Friday, January 15, 2010

Good Day, Sun Shines!

>> I was under the impression that most everyone knew about the Emmitt Smith Roast from about seven years ago, where Jamie Foxx pretty much ended Doug Willams' career as comedian. But then I referenced it last night at our poker game (my first time playing in over four years, and it was finally fun again) and nobody knew what I was talking about. So maybe it's not as popular as I thought it was.

At first Foxx just kinda toys with Williams; then starting around the 3 minute mark, he makes the decision that he's gonna completely end the dude's career. The reason so many of you thought 'Who?' when you read the name 'Doug Williams' is because he has basically disappeared since this roast.

Although you may have also thought 'This guy?'

Whenever I watch it, I alternate between laughing my ass off, and feeling terrible for Williams because his jokes are so bad and he gets owned so badly. Foxx just absolutely puts the clown suit on him. The look on Williams' face after it's all over and he sits down is heartbreaking. It's almost as cringe-worthy as watching the 'Boom Goes the Dynamite' guy. So anyway, here is the clip.

By the way, this is NSFW, unless you W in Harlem or Yonkers or something.

>> Big football weekend upcoming. I'm not usually a believer in having second-favorite teams- I'm more of a "there's your favorite team, and there's everybody else" kind of guy- but I inevitably end up cheering pretty hard for the Vikings if/when the Titans are eliminated. I spent 90% of my Sunday afternoons from 1988-2007 watching the Vikes with my dad, and it's the only sport the big guy actively follows, so I'd love to see them make it to the Super Bowl, for him if nothing else. The Vikings have burned him (and the entire fan base) for years and years now, and he's rapidly approaching the level of sports fandom I was at in 2003, which is not a good thing. I thought after the Bears game a few weeks ago we were gonna find him passed out on a bridge in downtown Indianapolis or something. So, let's go Vikes!

Happy Friday.

(In low, fast-speaking commercial voice: "This post has been brought to you by You can ask, if there are such firms? I'm obliged to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please be informed of one of them.")

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