Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fuckin' Jagerbombs

A few months back, Dunph and some of his co-workers were in KC for a seminar or something gay like that, and I went out drinking with them. One of them (I forget his name) had a hilarious story about some "New York dudes that I overheard in a bar." I put that in quotes because it turned out to be complete bullshit. It was a great story, full of ridiculous one-liners and general douchebaggery. Everyone else, who had heard the story multiple times, was dying laughing. It was my first time, obviously, and I was almost rolling on the floor laughing.

Annnnnyway, I stumbled into this video on youtube the other day, which I'm sure has been around forever, and it contains a bunch of the same lines from the guy's story. So basically he's a huge liar; but whatever, it's a good story. I can't blame him too much for taking it as his own. As long as he's willing to take the risk that no one has already seen this video, cause then he looks like a total helmet. But he kinda did already; ironically, he sorta reminds me of the guy who stars in this video.

So if you've seen this already, I apologize. If you haven't already seen this, and you're anything like me, you'll probably watch it a few times in a row. If you're at work, you might want to turn the volume down. And shame on you, you should be working.

You know what this is? It's my new fuckin' haircut.

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