Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I usually don't talk much about real-life issues on the ol' bloggy; work-related issues in particular. Partly because it's not what I enjoy writing about, and it's not usually what people want to read about when they're just trying to kill a few minutes during their work day. And also partly because I didn't take the anonymous route on the blog. Google is a wonderful thing when you find yourself in an heated discussion regarding Jennifer Aniston's cup size, or when you get stuck trying to name the entire 1991 Toronto Blue Jays starting lineup and pitching rotation.....but when you factor in the whole prospective employers googling my name thing, it kinda becomes a double-edged sword.

How could I have forgotten Tom Henke? His dirtball in Super Batter Up on Super Nintendo was siiiiiiick.

So without really going into any detail, all I can say is that I have officially become a victim of the recession. I apologize to any real-life friends who are finding out about this via the interwebs, I just didn't feel like having a million conversations about it. I never do well when people are trying to console me. I've never been a big fan of throwing pity parties, and the people I tell just end up taking it harder than I do. So don't cry for me, Argentina. Things have been coming up so roses for me the last few years, a little adversity will do me some good. I'm not gonna do....what everyone thinks I'm gonna do.....which is just FLIP OUT!

In the meantime, I've snagged a job at the golf course and so far it's been everything I hoped it would be. Just being around golf all day is a dream come true for me. It's not gonna do much more for me than pay the bills, but it's enough to keep me happy for now. I probably won't be making it rain at The Outhouse as often on my new salary, but I'm pretty good at living on the cheap. Example: trips to Sonic will be reduced to twice a week, and there will now be a $12 maximum. Just tighten the belt a lil' bit and keep on...keep on truckin'.

So you're not gonna find me collecting welfare checks and sitting on the stoop at 10 a.m. on a Wednesday, drinking 40's and blasting some Biz Markie- even though that sounds awesome. (bt dubs, that's an It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia joke, not a racist joke. Calm down.)

HOWEVER, Kos and Chelsey are coming down to Lawrence from Chitown this weekend, and it's KU Football's opening day on Saturday, so I'll most likely be getting unemployed drunk for a couple days in a row. Let's make it happen, Captain.

And now, to end on an upbeat note, here's a little clip that I've watched around 30 or 40 times by now. To be honest, the clips of the actual stand-up comedy are only kinda funny, but once it hits the 3 minute mark and they interview his deejay, it becomes epic. As a result of this three-part documentary (plus the rest the videos on laughyourdickoff.com) you can add "Raaaaaaandy!" to the list of words I use in everyday life that really does nothing but make people look at me weird because they have no idea what I'm talking about. Holler at your boy when you see him in the streets (IN the streets, hopefully not ON the streets. Big difference.)

Also, check out DVJS' blog to see about the adventures we had today with a rogue bird that got stuck in his fireplace. I wish his camera would've kept working, as the video only got funnier the longer we struggled to get that bird out the window (the end result was I ended up punching it through a bedsheet to finally get it out) but I do like the Blair Witch-style ending that resulted from his digital camera shutting off where it did.

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